Sunday, April 26, 2015

TOW #27 (Visual) Game of War Commercial with Kate Upton

      The Super Bowl has some of the greatest viewership, so the commercials must be persuasive and use strategies to market their products. In this advertisement, the people are advertising a game called Game of War, a free game for mobile smartphones. This game makes money off of in-app purchases, so the more people play, the better chance they have at making money. Game of War targets their game at a male audience and uses Kate Upton, battle scenes, and epic music to convince a male audience to play their game.

    Kate Upton is the mascot of Game of War and is continually used in all the Game of War trailers to grab the attention of their male audience. Kate Upton is a model, known for her appearances in Sports Illustrated, and an actress. She is known for her beautiful and voluptuous figure. In the commercial, Kate Upton is portrayed as a beautiful, confident leader. Many men can't help but be drawn to her and by using her as the main figure in the Game of War commercial, Game of War can draw the attention of males and use it to persuade them to get their game.

     Game of War also uses various battle scenes to entice a male audience with the awesomeness of war. Catapults are flung towards the castle, battalions of men fight with swords, shields, and chainmail, and giants tear down the walls of the castle. As a male myself, I can say that many men have a natural tendency to glorify war. The battle scenes in the commercial give war an fantasy-like and adventurous feel to it and grab the attention of male viewers. By making war seem fun, Game of War can further persuade their male audience to get their game.

    The commercial also uses epic music to give the commercial, as the music says, an epic feeling. There is a genre called epic music that is basically orchestra with brass that is used in many movies during battle scenes and war. This kind of music is loud and powerful and can pump up the viewer and glorify fighting. This grabs the attention of viewers and supports the battle scenes and Kate Upton and, ultimately, helps Game of War market its game.

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